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The Craft

For me, craftsmanship is a journey, requiring humility, dedication and occasionally, stubbornness. Leathercraft is a ‘slow’ craft, taking time and care from initial design through finishing. All products are hand-stitched and finished, using a range of high quality materials including alligator, crocodile, kangaroo and other leathers. All leather materials are legally and sustainably sourced.

The Insight

When I was young, I remember sitting on the floor of our local saddler, soaking in the scents and textures of the leather around me. I’m honored to be able to share some of that experience in turn, and love creating fine goods from carefully selected luxury materials, that evoke joy without sacrificing performance.


The Tools

The tools are a critical part of the journey from concept to finished item, helping shape and craft the leather into something more than the sum of the parts. A few of my favorites are my round and skiving knives (hand crafted by Terry Knipschield in Minnesota, USA), my well-weathered jarrah mallet (made for me by my stepfather over 20 years ago), and my indispensable John James Saddlers needles.

The Leather

In at est luctus, finibus dui eget, dignissim dui. Phasellus nec purus nisl. Fusce quis ullamc orper ante, et facilisis nulla. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Cras scelerisque nisi quis varius pretium. In at est luctus, finibus dui eget, dignissim dui. Phasellus nec purus nisl. Fusce quis ullamcorper ante, et facilisis nulla. Pellentesque habitan.

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